Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sherwin Ng -Reflection(Tuesdays with morrie)

Sherwin Ng
REFLECTION- Tuesdays with Morrie

In life there are no guarantees, you do not know when and how you will die, just like Morrie, though he’s old but if it comes up as a surprise when he got sick. I put myself in the shoe of morrie. What if it happens to me, what would be my perspective in life and point of view would then, I would say that I should have things that are important and necessary to do things first.

Morrie said that “when you know how to die, you’ll know how to live”, because when the moment you’ll know that you will die anytime, you will then realize how necessary to live, so by then you’ll know how to cherish every moment you do and enjoy little things because you might just see yourself in a coffin anytime. The best lesson that I learned is that don’t wait for the time that it is almost over ,do all things that you wanted to do ,act now before it’s too late. Say I love you to all the people that you love, and cherish every moment that you are with them.

The person around Morrie was wondering why it that he is so cheerful all the time, Of course if I were Morrie I would do the same thing, everybody is affected with his condition so why not try to lift up the environment with wisdom, peace, and serenity. If I were in his condition of Morrie, I can’t do anything physically, the only thing that works is my voice, a voice that is powerful than what has been done because a voice has a power of wisdom that can touch many lives.

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