Monday, October 18, 2010

My Philosophy in Life by: Ms. Ma Florezel Lim

Ma. Florezel O. Lim HUMA01-A4
"My Philosophies in Life"
"Don't take life too seriously; no one gets out alive anyway." It means that, we should live life to the fullest. Have fun, meet some friends and do what you want to do. Just enjoy life because we are just temporarily living in this world. So, if you take life too seriously, you might regret the days that you failed some chances to enjoy life. But make sure that you have limitations, because you might regret too that though you were enjoying life, you violate some "rules".
"Before you talk about what you want, appreciate what you have." In my prayer, I thank God first that He gave me life, blessings (though not as abundant as what others have received), a supportive family and friends. I thank him, too, on giving answers to some of my prayers and He gave me people who were there always, not just in times of my happiness but also in sadness. After thanking God, then that would be the time that I will ask "something" from Him. That something would be "things" that I really want in life. But, Im not expecting that He will give to me those "things" in an instant. Instead, I will be patient enough to wait for those "things" to come. It would be up to Him if He thinks that I deserve to receive the things that I've been praying to Him. But this philosophy of mine is not just for prayers. For instance, you were not contented on what you have right now, though you were living in a luxurious life. Come to think of it; a lot of people wants to live just like you do. Just be thankful on what you have now, rather than asking for more earthly things, because if God sees that you were having no contentment in life, He might take away what you have right now..
"It's better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitations." Well, it's just the same with the usual saying,” it’s better to fail than to cheat." But, really, I disagree to that philosophy. Let's be practical. In this modern era, here's the new version to it: : "...But if you were desperate enough to pass, and good thing that you understand what does that certain topic or instance mean, well, just squeal to cheat.... sometimes (I think He will understand)." I know it's somewhat silly, but that's what I’m doing now, honestly, especially if sometimes I forgot to make an assignment. But I make sure that I understand the things that I'm "copying"(from my classmate) and I correct some mistakes that I've found. Im not like those people who were just good in copying, especially during a quiz, (I saw someone cheating....) without checking whether the things he/she copied was correct or not.
"Life is what we make it. Be true to yourself. Respect others, so that others will respect you. Be the very best of what you are. Open to criticism and change for the best. Don't belittle others. Be honest on what you say or do. Expect the unexpected. Don't fear failures for this will make you strong. Be friendly all the time, always give a helping hand and be ready to accept challenges. And the most important of all, be patient ...."

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