My personal life philosophy is that I live and lead with my heart. I believe that every experience in our lives touches us in ways that leave an imprint in our hearts. Sometimes those imprints are painful and sometimes they are the things that mean the most us.
Life is about learning to love to feel compassion to find strength and determination and to live through the experiences that make us who we are. All these things effect and touch the heart.
If you think about it when you find someone or something or maybe even some issue that you are deeply touched by that feeling hits the heart. When you see injustice or notice something that causes pain and hurt that feeling hits the heart. When you decide that you are going to do your best to change or make a difference those things come from your heart.
The best way I can think to explain it is this way. You see homeless children on the television their suffering and pain touches you deeply. You then become compassionate about making the changes needed if only to help a few. You decide that you are going to do something to change this and so then you become determined. From that determination, you gain strength and from that strength you pour your love into trying to make changes that will benefit others.
You have lead with your heart. The heart sees and feels love in many different ways. Those feelings guide you in making decisions and in sharing your life and life experiences with others.
I also believe that the true depths of people's values and morals live deep in the heart. Most people try to always logic things out and they change the nature of who they are. They listen to what other people say and don't follow what is truly inside them. Most people conform based on what others say and not on what is inside them. When they do this they look back sometime later and have regrets because they didn't follow what they believed in their heart been the right thing for them to do.
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