Monday, October 18, 2010

If I had to live my Life all over Again and The story of Rose

If I had to live my Life all over Again

Life is about learning new things every single day. It is about things that did not go as one planned, letting go of hurts and past experiences that might have hurt you in some way. Life is seeing things in a different perspective and taking it one day at a time. Sometimes we do not like the way things turned out, but we have to accept things as they come and always cherish life because our life is not guaranteed. Life is beautiful and it’s up to you to make it that way. Starting my life over again is one thing I wish I could do. Just as normal life with a little happiness and peace. Doing something that will help me realize that life is a treasure. Forget yesterday's defeats and ignore the problems of tomorrow. Saying sorry to those people I’ve been hurt before and make friends with them. Forget all the people who did nothing, but bring me down. Find new friends, meet new people, and make the best out of it. It may not be perfect as the princesses in a fairytale, but someone’s who’s given a chance to explore and cherished things that God let me experience again.


God give us this wonderful gift called life. Life is such a great thing that we had right now. We live life the way we want it to be. We get lessons from our past experiences and apply it in our daily lives. The story of Rose who never stops believing that life must goes on at her age give us message that whatever happens, we have to face life together with its consequences. We have to try and do our best. Don’t be afraid because we can’t learn by only seeing and standing. We have to do something and don’t be afraid and be discourage when things fall beyond our beliefs.

Flor de May A. Divno

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